Remember to continually check the Portal for information as well.

That is where Teachers will be posting assignements and class announcements.

We are continuing to gather information regarding the coronavirus, COVID-19. The governor and other officials have spoken about various recommendations to assist citizens and organizations with their decision making. As a reminder, this is a fluid situation that can change rapidly.

The safety and learning of our students and staff continue to be the focus of our efforts. Mitigation strategies have been recommended by the governor and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and these will guide our efforts.

Currently, we are continuing to educate our students as scheduled. Should any of our schools close for an extended period, upon the recommendation of public health organizations, our district does not currently plan on replacing classroom instruction with online learning. We will provide opportunities to families to help keep their students engaged in learning from home should the need arise for schools to be closed for an extended time. This would be a combination of printed materials, suggested activities, and online resources.

Considering the recommendations and using caution, Community Schools will take the following steps effective today, March 12, 2020 through April 12, 2020.

  • We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust as necessary.
  • Cancel/postpone all large group events scheduled at our schools.
  • Cancel all international and domestic travel through April 12, 2020. This includes local and distant field trips.
  • Cancel afterschool activities and non-essential gatherings, including spring sports at all levels.
  • End of season winter sporting events have been suspended. For more information, please go to Athletics Page for the most current information.
  • Cancel all rental events currently scheduled at district facilities until further notice.
  • The after school Kids’ Club program will maintain their schedule at this time.
  • We will continue to thoroughly clean all the school buildings and common surfaces as recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, and the County Health Division.
  • All non-essential volunteers will be prohibited access to the buildings. This may include activities like: Classroom volunteers, Adopt-A-Readers, guest readers, PTO groups, Kids Hope Mentors, and Reaching Higher Mentors. Building tours will be canceled until further notice.
  • We ask that if you have traveled to a level three-country that you inform us and self-quarantine.
  • We are encouraging online activities through the school website and portal.

We believe that we have made the best possible decision for our students, staff, and families with the first-hand information that we have. Please see the following resources below for further information and assistance:

Corona Virus Community Information